Saturday 5 January 2013

I think...

...that the fitness instructor who taught the 8am total body conditioning class this morning spent her holidays thinking up new ways to torture us!!  

Good God, I am sore.  Her class has always been one of the tougher ones I've taken - she does so many damn reps, at least 48 of anything - but today she excelled herself by re-ordering the routine - those 144 one legged squats she typically has us do off the step, 72 per leg, at the start of the class weren't quite so easy when moved to the end of the session - and throwing in a few new surprises, like the weighted side lunge with a core twist to work not only our inner thighs, but also our abs.  I'm acquainted with a few of the class regulars and this morning we frequently turned to each other to silently express our discomfort.  The end of class stretches never felt so good, although it didn't help that I'd also committed myself to taking a 10.30am Pilates class.  Yeowwwwwwwww!!!!


Amel said...

Dear goodness...144 one legged squats?????? OUCH OUCH OUCH...I hate it when I haven't been exercising for a while and then I start exercising again 'coz the stamina is definitely WORSE as well as everything else in my body he he...but I DO love the endorphins! :-D

fishwithoutbicycle said...

Hi Amel, it's a tough class. It's often the worst one I do because it's so tough and it's at 8am!! I'm a morning person, but sometimes it's hard to get out of bed. The positive thing is I know a lot of the regulars so I get to catch up with friends every Saturday morning and when it ends at 9am, I feel sooooooo good that it's over :-)

Amel said...

Catching up with friends sound GREAT. :-D Unlike you, though, I'm a night owl and I'd prefer exercising in the afternoon/evening rather than in the morning hi hi...but I also love the endorphins after exercising. :-D