Saturday 1 June 2013

Why hello there!!

In preparation for my upcoming trip to Paris I've been doing my usual research, largely restaurant and bar focused research - you can keep The Louvre, I want to experience Paris as a Parisienne - but I've also read a couple of memoirs by American authors who have recently lived there.  The first book I read was Rosecrans Baldwin's "Paris, I love you, but you're bringing me down", which was an enjoyable read, especially when I realized part-way through that the advertising agency where he worked as a copywriter was an agency where I'd also spent a part of my career.  I read Rosecrans' book partly as research and partly as a deterrent to the possibility of me arriving in Paris and deciding never to leave.  I've always been a huge Francophile and when I initially moved to New York I thought I'd be here for a year or two at the max, and after that I'd move to either San Francisco or, more likely, Paris.  That was where my head was in 2000, but in 2 weeks I'll celebrate my 13th anniversary of moving to New York.  Still, despite being very settled in New York, I've never quite given up on the idea of living in Paris at some point in my life, even if it's just for a short while, but not just yet.  I thought from the title of Rosecrans' book, his memoir would serve to diminish my rose tinted fantasy and mitigate the risk of my deciding never to come back.  It didn't change my rosy view of the city.  I think only actually living in Paris could do that, but I do believe that the risk of me deciding never to return to New York on this particular trip is considerably reduced.

After that I started Eloisa James' "Paris in love: a memoir," a fun read which is essentially a collection of Twitter and Facebook posts she wrote while living there.  Eloisa James' memoir is where I first heard mention of Dalloyau Patisserie......I think I'm in love.

On the website, below the description of the cake, is written "Pour votre santé, pratiquez une activité physique régulière."  For your health, practice regular physical activity :-)  

It's all about balance people!!


Amel said...

The cake looks so yummy...gorgeous! And I LOVE the quote below the cake in the website ha ha ha ha ha...

Didn't know that you wanted to stay in Paris. Hope your dream comes true one day. :-)

fishwithoutbicycle said...

Thanks Amel :-)

Kitty said...

lol I know the feeling.
I've been here over 15 years now. Can it be? The time has just flown by.

I do hope you live in Paris one day, even if it's for a summer as a retired lady.

fishwithoutbicycle said...

Hi Kitty, time really does fly doesn't it. I am hoping to get to Paris a little sooner than retirement, but you never know. If it is when I retire then I hope I am still sprightly enough to enjoy it - as good a motivation as any to keep up the exercise :-)