Saturday 3 December 2011

In NYC $78 worth of groceries...

...comes in one tiny box

I was quite flabbergasted to receive this after spending so much. Admittedly it supplements two weeks worth of food, but box????


Kitty said...

that is nuts.

I went out to get 'snacks' for some guests the other night nearby and it came out to a whopping $30 for some salami slices, a brownie, gerkins and fancy beer. Highway robbery.

People pay for the convenience, I guess? There was something on NY1 about how the Fresh Direct trucks are clogging up the UES and people were complaining.

fishwithoutbicycle said...

Hi Kitty,

Typically I don't find FreshDirect to be any more expensive than other options in my neighborhood - I can spend a fortune in that new Fairway on 86th St - but I typically get 2 boxes for $78 worth of food. The single box surprised me so much that I went through it carefully to ensure I had everything. I suppose it's good that they are not wasteful. I used to get multiple half filled boxes that drove me crazy.