Sunday 1 January 2012

Things I Learned In 2011

After posting about a particularly annoying experience I had wearing a short summer wetsuit while surfing in Rockaway in September I received a decent amount of search traffic on one particular topic...who knew that wedgies were a THING???? People are so weird ;-)


Amel said...

Oh my goodnesssss!!!! Indeed people are weird ha ha...

Sorry to hear about your annoying experience - just read that post (must've missed it along the way).

Kitty said...

ha, that is funny. I must say I've not used that word on my blog yet and will do my best to avoid it!

SP said...

The wedgie thing is bizarre. I can't believe you track your blog and do analytics during you down time. Tch tch, fishie-fish.

fishwithoutbicycle said...

Hello SP, I wonder who this could be ;-) It doesn't take long to track 20 visits a day!!