Monday, 25 April 2011

Ohhhh Great....

Can you believe that now I have toothache? I am more or less over my fortnight of flu symptoms, I was finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel when bam...toothache, my last remaining wisdom tooth at that. I blame all the Halls cough sweets I've been chomping to ease my sore throat. If I go to the dentist he'll just try and coerce me to have it taken out. He's extraction happy that one, but his recommendation is counter to the advice given to me by the oral surgeon who so capably removed my other 3 wisdom teeth.

"There's a 20% chance of permanent nerve damage," he told me "I wouldn't risk it if it's not causing you too much trouble."

Well it wasn't causing me too much trouble, but...sigh!!

I couldn't wait to get home from my weights class tonight - I found it extremely tough today despite the routine being no real change from the usual, something is off - and attack my gums with dental floss.

Anyway I'm going to give my usual remedy of Advil and rinsing with good old solution of TCP (or trichlorophenylmethyliodosalicyl to give it its proper name - just rolls off the tongue doesn't it?)
solution a whirl for a few days before I do anything rash. It's worked in the past - TCP is da bomb - so fingers crossed.

Here's a cheery tune for your enjoyment. I love this song by 15 year old - fifteen!!! - Dionne Bromfield, but don't be put off by her age it's a fabulous song. I would have bet money it was Paloma Faith when I first heard it.


Amel said...

Ouch! Sorry about the toothache, Fish. Hope it stops hurting soon and TCP works!

I don't understand why we need to have wisdom teeth if they'd only cause us trouble (many people have trouble with them, right?). I have only ONE and it grows horizontally instead of vertically, so I'm thinking of having it taken off in Indo 'coz now I'm afraid of chewing with it when I'm not at home ('coz then food gets stuck in between that teeth and my molar and I have to brush that rift right away). Ugh...

Amel said...

Oops forgot to say that the song is nice and she's only 15??? Geez...pretty girl. :-D

fishwithoutbicycle said...

Hi Amel, I completely agree with you, wisdom teeth seem to be so unnecessary, they're a design flaw surely. I have the same problem as you in that my last remaining one grows at an angle and is close to the nerve, hence the risk of damage if it is removed. Ugh!!

Glad you like the song. Have a great day!!

Amel said...

Hi, Fish...hope you're feeling better now!!! Take care! :-D

fishwithoutbicycle said...

Thanks Amel, apologies for not noticing until now that you'd left this comment