Friday 8 February 2008

Floating alphabets and the Death Star canteen

Phewwwwwww!!! TGIF!!! I am sooooooo looking forward to this weekend. Other than drinks with friends tonight I’ve purposely planned very little. I usually spend my weekends running here, there and everywhere trying to fit in errands, trips to the gym and catch ups with friends and I’m usually frazzled by the end of it, so it’s time for some rest and relaxation I think as I've been struggling even more than usual to get out of bed for work this past week and doing very little appeals immensely.

I also didn’t have the best of times at a client meeting yesterday morning. The more junior of the clients was very sweet, but her boss….shudder. What a witch. She was so unnecessarily nasty. When she blew into the conference room so did the artic wind. I've never experienced such a frosty reception from someone who’s never met me before; she was an absolute snot who clearly thought that meeting with us was a waste of her time. I found her incredibly argumentative, questioning every word out of my mouth. I was sat there thinking calm down woman we're only on the agenda. I don’t know how she can go through life like that; it must be exhausting to be so unpleasant. She was like the Wicked Witch of the West without the warmth.

It really pissed me off how rude she was to barely give us the time of day when we’d spent an intense few days working on the project. I’d worked a good part of last weekend and was in work late on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I was even dreaming about the damn thing. My part of the project required me to analyze a few customer segments which were identified by 3 letter acronyms: SMS, CMS, TAS etc and on Tuesday I had a restless night dreaming the alphabet was floating above my head just out of my reach and I was struggling to jump and reach for the letters to make up the names of the segments. I really hate it when work infiltrates my dreams.

Oh and I also found my first grey hair. I’m not at all happy about that I can tell you, but fortunately it’s only one, so it’s easily missed and yeah, I know, I’m a lucky bitch to have made it to almost 37 without having to resort to a trip to the colourist to hide the grey, but my father only just started turning grey a couple of years ago and he’s 57 so I was kind of hoping to have scored some of those genetics given all the years I’ve had to put up with the masses of baby fine hair I’ve inherited from him. I can’t do a thing with it without drenching it in half a can of volumising hair mousse.

Fortunately my spirits were significantly lifted when I got back to the office after the meeting and found that Emma had snagged us tickets for the upcoming Eddie Izzard shows at the Union Square Theatre on February 22nd.

Eeek, I’m so happy, I lurve Eddie Izzard!!


Amel said...

The guy in the video clip is Eddie? He's bloody funny HE HE HE he wears high heels?!?!?!?! I don't understand how some people seem to enjoy wearing high heels ha ha ha...

I've been tired myself, especially this morning. For some weird reason I haven't been able to take a nap after I get back home from the course, so I know I'll sleep like a baby tonight. I HAVE TO he he he he...otherwise I'll be SO darn cranky like a baby lacking sleep ha ha ha ha ha...

I understand what you mean...I don't work, but whenever I try to nap or to sleep, Finnish words start swimming in my head and my brain keeps on repeating today's lesson and I can almost hear the teacher's voice in my head. Uuuuhhhhhh...I have to literally TELL myself to stop thinking.

I also have no energy to write a post today he he he he...too tireeedddd...

Grey hair? Ahhh...a sign of growing wisdom. :-)))) And if you're a bitch, which you're not, you're a BEAUTIFUL one HE HE HE HE HE HE...

fishwithoutbicycle said...

Hi Amel, yes that's Eddie. He's a transvestite, hence the makeup and heels. I can wear heels without too much trouble, but the ones he's wearing are a little too high for me. Anyway I am really looking forward to seeing him.

Sounds like you suffer with the same thing as me, you have trouble switching off from the day. Sleep well tonight Amel and have a great weekend. Fish x

Kitty said...

TGIF, dear Fish!

The hateful people astound me sometimes. Maybe it was pms? Ooh, that would've been a terrible thing to ask: 'Is there anything wrong? Are you going thru PMS?'

Mark used to say I was having PMS during certain arguments. Such comments make women go insane.

Have a good weekend!

fishwithoutbicycle said...

Hi Kitty, yes comments like that irritate me too as the other person is shifting responsibility from themselves and onto you. It's as if they are saying there's no legitimate reason to be ticked off about something. Men can also be stupid enough to assume that just because it's nearing woman's week then you must have PMS when it doesn't affect you every month.

As for the client, i think that's just her way. One of the others in my team had commented on her attitude in previous meetings.

Enjoy your weekend :-)

Amel said...

That was my problem when I tried working in a company. I was restless 'coz I couldn't separate the rest of my day from my work he he he...I still don't know how some people do it. I SALUTE them!!! :-))))

fishwithoutbicycle said...

That's why we drink wine Amel ;-)