Sunday, 12 August 2007

A shot of the Scissor Sisters

I LOVE this song. Hate the video, but the song is fabulous and listening to the Scissor Sisters has got me through some tough times at work this week. Five minutes blasting the Scissor Sisters through my headphones is better than an espresso shot when it comes to pepping me up during the late hours I’m stuck working in the office and need to keep going.

A few years ago I almost met them. Almost. In fact I kick myself to this day for not answering my office phone when it rang at 6pm that Friday night. I ignored it thinking it must be someone calling to ask me to do something work related and at 6pm on a Friday night when I was already slammed and trying to get something done there was no pigging way I was picking up and landing myself with more work. Whatever it was could wait until Monday. I almost smacked myself up the side of the head when I finally listened to the voicemail and discovered a message from my colleague P asking me if I wanted to meet him and his old school friend Patrick for drinks that evening, Patrick being Patrick Seacor, otherwise known as Paddy Boom, the drummer for the Scissor Sisters.

At the time, 2004, the Scissor Sisters were already HUGE in England, going on to have the UK’s best selling album of the year and P delighted in telling me I’d missed out on a great night when I saw him on Monday morning. Apparently singers Jake Shears and Ana Matronic also turned up for drinks and P spent the evening partying with rock stars.

Unfortunately after hearing Patrick’s salacious stories from the road P vowed to me that hell would freeze over before he’d ever invite me to join him for drinks with Patrick in the future. He claimed he didn’t want Patrick corrupting me with his evil ways.

Dammit Dammit Dammit!!


Agnes Mildew said...

A little bit of corruption never goes amiss, you know. I would give what is left of my teeth to be corrupted by a star. Jonny Depp would be my preference, though...

Anonymous said...

Gutted dude. I love, love, LOVE SS.

but I'm sure that you're chance of a brush with Slebs is only a matter of days away.

Heather said...

I'm with Agnes....


That would have been a good time, no doubt. However, in your shoes, I would have done the same thing...not answered the phone. In fact, I hardly EVER pick up the phone when it's work related. I let it go to vm and see what it is someone wants first.

note to self: check vm IMMEDIATELY. might be someone inviting me to dinner with super fun celeb.

fishwithoutbicycle said...

I KNOW!!!! I told him "I'll decide whether I want to be corrupted thank you very much." Alas the SS went on to hob nob with the likes of Elton John, so not even P can manage to have drinks with Paddy these days ;-)

Amel said...

Never heard of them. But that's too bad about your story. It must've been frustrating.

You know, you REALLY are one funny lady. I bet lots of people have told you that! ;-D

I LOVE the way you write your stories! ;-D

fishwithoutbicycle said...

Thanks Amel. You're a sweetie :-)

alcoment said...

In my head, corruption is often a good thing! I love the scissor sisters, though I can't dance, they do make me jiggle around quite a bit! Shame you missed out, but never mind, maybe you'll get another chance to mix with the stars!

Polly said...

I listened to the Scissor sisters right throughout my pregnancy, Im sure its what has made my son so happy, poor fella had no choice but to bop away.